Strange…that Name

How ironic that the name too holy to be written or fully pronounced by humans should be used that way. That a name written by Jewish worshipers as G_D , YHWH , or Hashem (“the Name” in Hebrew) should now be a curse.

How unusual it is that the taxi driver who spoke no English in an Asian country where only 1.5% of the population identified as Christians would even know the name. That he would clearly pronounce the name conveying supernatural power with such strong emotion. Had the driver known the back story of the person called that, would he have been fearful of a Indignant God’s reaction to the spoken dishonor?

That the taxi driver, when paid extra and asked to carry six cumbersome bags of luggage up the 3 flights of stairs in the heat of a summer night, would say “Christos!” with such insult. Poor driver, he may only have heard those words as a epithet of contempt. He probably knows nothing about the godly human life behind the name.

Christos, short for Jesus Christ.

Also known as THE:

Anointed One, Messiah, Redeemer, Son of the Living God, Son of Man, Immanuel, Savior, King of Kings–titles that speak of mystical power and supreme authority. Names that speak of the love of Father God to adopt some unworthy children from a death camp by paying the sin ransom of one perfect human life–His Only Son’s life, Jesus.

Perhaps the most tragic misuse of language is to speak the word for God’s greatest blessing to mankind as an expression of cussing. Just another one of the many actions against a Holy God by people who are clueless about God’s nature and feelings.

I am sorry Jesus that You are continuing to receive shame from us. It would hurt my feelings and anger me to have my name used as an expletive over and over again by people who know nothing about the real me. Forgive us and open our minds to know the truth about You.

Almighty God,

Please help me to remember the reality of Your identity. Having no experience living close to royalty, I’m sure I do not approach You with the dignity You deserve. Help me to show You honor and respect in more ways than just the words I utter. Lord, refine my finite mind to better know Who you really are and who I really am because of You.

I do know Jesus Christ, the King of Kings, is coming back to claim His own. I desire to show His importance before the crowd of humanity gathers. But even that I am powerless to do without Your help. Please help me proclaim Your Son’s worth to those around me in the careful way He would.

Because the day is coming when every human will acknowledge Your power… Both those who chose to believe in Your goodness to replace their wrongs and those who chose to believe their own goodness would satisfy a righteous Supreme Being. I ask these things in Jesus Christ’ priceless name.


“For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus., who gave himself as a ransom for all people .” 1 Timothy 2:5,6

That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth., and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” Philippians 2:10,11

“Look, he is coming with the clouds,” and “every eye will see him, even those who pierced him;” and all peoples on earth “will mourn because of him.” So shall it be! Amen.” Revelation 1:7

Unshakeable Peace

Opening the brown envelope, I see the black and white image for the first time. Many years have passed since this picture was taken. In fact, it has been more than 2 decades since the laughing man walked on the earth.

The remarkable part of the moment in time is the expression on the children’s faces. Young and vulnerable as they are, the boy and girl show no fear – only assurance and delight. Their daddy is with them to protect from all harm: roving coyotes, strangers who steal children, and loud sounds in the night. To be sure, they could fall down and skin a knee, but they know their daddy always makes the situation better.

Frequently frightened, Davey and Mary are confident in their safety. All is good because that man is near, and they belong to him. Whatever scary creatures come their way, will have to go through the smiling man who adores them first.

Though a child no longer -with extensive experience in the ups and downs of human life, disappointments have clouded my once optimistic attitude. My mind clicks through discouraging scenarios: world-wide wars, economic depression, killing diseases, shouting angry people everywhere, and once loving relationships now estranged. I glance again at the calm happiness on the children’s faces, and I envy the peace and joy I see.

Yet, I know my protector, Jesus Christ, is with me, and he is not a mere man.

Forgive me God for not looking for you in the situation; for not remembering you will never forsake me to issues too big for me to handle alone.

Forgive me, for choosing to worry rather than tell you my concerns. You encourage me with your words in the Bible, and I can talk to you in prayer. Sorry, I have acted like I have forgotten who I am and to Whom I belong!

All Powerful God,

Help me, Almighty God, to see you as you really are-Conquerer of evil, time, and isolation. The One who voluntarily gave up powers and abilities to live a human life filled with poverty, prejudice, and pain to secure my right to be called a child of God. The only human who was raised from death to sit beside His Father in heaven. The same One who lives now to help God’s children.

Help me, my Redeemer, to listen for your words of wisdom and encouragement. To remember that I am your sheep and belong to the Father. That no matter how overwhelmed I am, you know the way forward. Shepherd, you know I often think I know the way. Please pull me back to follow you instead.

My Lord, help me to show a childlike trust in you – whatever comes in life. I want my eyes to shine with joyful delight as I watch to see what you will do next. Because You are my peace…


People were bringing children to Him so that He would touch and bless them, but the disciples reprimanded them and discouraged them [from coming]. But when Jesus saw this, He was indignant and He said to them, “Allow the children to come to Me; do not forbid them; for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I assure you and most solemnly say to you, whoever does not receive and welcome the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it at all.” And He took the children [one by one] in His arms and blessed them [with kind, encouraging words], placing His hands on them. Mark 10; 13-16 Amplified

Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, in everywhere you go; He is the One who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:5,6 Message

I’ve told you all this so that trusting me, you will be unshakable and assured, deeply at peace. In this godless world you will continue to experience difficulties. But take heart! I’ve conquered the world.” John 16:33 Message

God Who Is—is Triune

Absolute God,

I admit there is so much I don’t understand about you. Please help me wrap my head around the clues from the Bible. When Moses first described you to humans, he said, “Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God, the Lord is one.”Deuteronomy 6:4

Although you are one God (as opposed to the religions of that time that had multiple gods), you are three persons totally united in one being: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. I’ve heard people name this structure of godliness as the Holy Trinity.

From what I’ve read in the Bible, I understand the information in this way: Unlike human families, each member of the Trinity is equal in power and share the same qualities. Each is all powerful, is always present, is all-knowing, and is eternal. But the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit individually have their own personality and identity.

It is a mystery that I don’t fully comprehend. I shouldn’t expect to understand it fully when you are God and I am not. Please correct my limited understanding, my Lord, as I journey through this life looking to you.

Though the years I’ve heard people compare your reality of three persons in one being to different earthly objects. Saint Patrick used the 3 lobed shamrock leaf to illustrate it. Others have compared the children’s state of matter to the Trio of God- Water as a solid=iceberg , water as a liquid=flowing river, and water as a vapor=misty fog. Each form is still water.

Business corporations are often led by a three-fold executive group having the titles of chairman of the board, chief executive officer and chief operational officer.The leadership members each have different roles, but they achieve the business mission working together. I see how these pictures of one in three repeat a pattern, yet they do not adequately describe a Triune God of the Universe.

This human accepts that you are three persons in one eternal entity. But Lord, the most amazing thought to me is that you three perfectly agree on everything. I have never seen three people totally agree in my life.

Human beings primarily focus on differences we have with each other. In fact we enjoy talking about disagreements– husbands versus wives; children versus parents; friends versus acquaintances; workers versus supervisors. Like herds of animals we often only get close to those who look and think like we do. Sadly, human families often use the “differences” between members as justification to break relationships.

But you, God Who Loves Contrasts, reached instead for those who are different to bring into your circle for companionship. Amazing. I have so much I need to learn from you about personal relationships. Perhaps, the fact that three persons could agree with each other 100% of the time about everything alone proves you are God!

Once I was only a member of a human family, but now because God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit united in a plan to expand their family, I am a member of Elohim’s family.

The Holy Father sent his only son to earth to be born and live a human life without doing wrong to begin God’s plan of redemption.

Jesus Christ, the Holy Son gave up his home in heaven to be born to a human woman making him a Son of Man and Son of God. He lived his 33 years without ever committing a sin but was punished by death on a cross. This sacrifice uniquely qualified him to ransom other sinful lives with his spotless life. That way, others condemned to die could live forever with God.

When the Father raised the Son from the tomb of the cross to sit on his right side in heaven, his earthy children missed having God’s presence close. Then the Holy Spirit came to live within the children of God that had believed in the Lord Jesus Christ. God’s presence was again within, around, and whispering encouragement to them. The Spirit lived within their minds and hearts equipping them to live abundantly.

What a compassionate plan you made, my God. But this child of your mercy has so much to learn. As you have done and continue to do so much for me, I don’t want to dishonor you in any way because I am called by Jesus’ last name. Please help me to learn your ways whether I prefer your ways or not. I confess to you that my default setting is to behave in my selfish way and seek my own will for my own personal good. Make me pliable in your in your artistic hands to finally be the complete creation you see in me.

In Genesis 1 the story of how everything began is told. How “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”(v1)

How you created light from darkness by speaking (v2), “And God said,’Let there be light’ and there was light…”

How the Triune God created human beings (v26). “Then God said, ‘Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness…'”

My God who created me, like a light prism, would you enhance my natural state? As your light shines through this shell of me, please bend that light by the power of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit to reflect your qualities in dazzling colors to the surrounding darkness.

All Sufficient God, I can never thank you enough for who you are- holy and completely balanced, just and impartial, loving and compassionate, my providing father, my first-born perfect brother, and my trusted counselor.

I thank you Father God, that you sought me out and loved me. I thank you Lord Jesus for giving your life as a sacrifice to make a way for an imperfect person to belong to the family of the Perfect God.I thank you Holy Spirit for living with me to help me as my personality traits are bent to display my heavenly families’ moral code.

Now, I ask these things for myself and others in the name of our Redeemer, and according to your will. May you, the Great I AM, be glorified for all you are by the glistening reflection of yourself in your child’s eyes.


“My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. I and the Father are one.” John 10:29-30

“If you love me, keep my commands. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever — the Spirit of Truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.” John 14:15-17

“…To God’s elect… who have been chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through the sanctifying work of the Spirit, to be obedient to Jesus Christ and sprinkled with his blood. Grace and peace be yours in abundance.” 1 Peter 1:1-2

“May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.” 2 Corinthians 13:14

Really Know You

God of Everything,

Although I have never seen you with my eyes or heard your voice with my ears, I know with every bit of my being that you are real.

A few of my friends don’t believe you exist because their five senses have not reported your presence to their brain. It’s funny to me because it seems so paradoxical that they could believe in atoms, molecules, viruses, and black holes in space, yet refuse to accept an invisible God.

For years now, I have believed you are there, but I don’t know enough about you. I want to be acquainted with all your traits as I know my close friends like Joe.

Saying Joe’s name I immediately think of his blue green eyes, easy grin, teasing sense of humor, his direct way of speaking, a quick temper for injustice, and a compassionate heart for those who are ignored or abused. I know all this about someone I don’t even see that often. But about you, who are always with me, I actually perceive little.

Lord, you have a distinct personality, but for most of my life I have thought of you only by your titles – my benefactor, creator, the Heavenly Father that spoils me. In essence I only noticed you for what you could do for me. I call you my God. But I never cared enough to observe what motivates you, what you enjoy or what makes you angry. Have I hurt your feelings by my lack of interest in you?

Regretfully, I only cared about your ability to provide and protect me. In other words you only mattered because of your power to help the most important person in the world – me! What a lousy one-sided relationship this is -you initiate the closeness and do everything for me, yet I take your feelings and friendship for granted.

Forgive me Holy God. Help me to develop this end of our relationship, for I already know some of your characteristics:

The intricate elegance of earth’s environment you created shows me that you are an artist who enjoys color, texture, and contrasts. But I want to know more about you…

The fact that you would reach out to those who have rejected you over and over proves to me that you are extremely patient. But I want to know more about you…

The truth that you notice and love creatures far beneath your class is highly unusual. You offer membership in your close family when you are perfect, and I am so flawed which demonstrates an affection that dwarfs the most dedicated human love I have ever known. But I want to know more about you…

From the Old and New Testaments I see evidence that your high commitment to love is balanced with the same level of commitment to justice. Wrongs must be punished. The unsolvable riddle was how to love and accept humans into a relationship with you when they continued to do wrong. Still, even that problem didn’t stump you…

Perfect love and perfect justice needs were met when your son, Jesus Christ, lived a human life without ever doing one thing wrong, was punished by a criminal’s death, and rose from the dead to sit at your side once more. His sinless life could then redeem my sinful life to become your child. I see how his good could substitute for my bad, but I am amazed that you would solve this unsolvable problem by suffering the death of your son. The mystery of your love for me drives me to evolve because you have invested so much in my adoption.

Father, would you correct and adjust my sight to really see and know you for your unique personality traits?

When I read the Bible, please help me notice your subtleties described in your Son’s words or in your dealings with other humans.

As I bring you my worries or failures in prayer, help me hear and apply your words in my heart and actions.

Please see that I want to grow closer to you. Help me to be a person that projects respect and love to you by more closely following the character pattern you left for me in Jesus Christ. Amen

“I will give them a heart to know me, that I am the Lord. They will be my people, and I will be their God, for they will return to me with all their heart.” Jeremiah 24:7

“I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me.” Proverbs 8:17

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways.” Isaiah 55:8

Once Again

Disappointment permeates the hope I had. I’ve been on this path a long time. You’d think I would have learned something by now. But I’ve done it again.

I say that I believe God is sovereign and in charge of everything that happens to me and in my world. I say that God Almighty is good and doing good even when I can’t see the good or understand how it is good. I say God knows everything, and that He is wiser than I will ever be.

Yet, I am sad today because my plan did not work out. Oh Holy God, you know that I call myself your follower, but you and I both know I really want to be your leader. Actually, I just want you to execute my plan for life in the time frame I laid out for you.

The same issue- did it again. Know it is wrong- did it again. Know I am not omniscient – but did it again anyway. It is ridiculous; I continue to fall into the same pot hole! Forgive me Lord for always wanting to be in control. Please help me to ask for your will and then actually wait patiently in anticipation of seeing what you will do.

Disgusted with myself, my mind wanders to the memory of that kindergarten skate night years ago…

Squeals of delight join the thump of skates and shoes dropping on the floor,as I notice the roller rink is crowded with children.

A DJ plays rock music illustrated by strobe colored lights.

Fourth and fifth graders move with confidence onto the wooden oval.

Second and third graders assume favorite positions in the snack bar, game area, or roller rink.

Kindergarten and first graders quickly segregate into two groups: experienced skaters ready for competition and novice skaters clutching parents’ hands with eyes wide with fear and excitement.

A new song begins and the circle is is filled with skaters dancing on wheels.

The inner core of bodies move like race cars gyrating as they glide while the outer edge slows with children barely balancing on their rollers.

My little girl tackles the rink with me holding her hand and walking beside her in sneakers. Though her snail’s page is almost imperceptible, she dismisses me from the floor after one loop. Confidently understanding the process, she begins another gradual circuit.

As I watch the near-miss and actual collisions happening, Mattye comes to my side. Her eyes are filled with the same wonder as the other kindergarteners.

Although she only turned five in June, Mattye stands a head taller than the others and weighs double the pounds of my little girl.

She has the appearance of a bully, but possesses the opposite personality.

Her words are soft and spoken with an occasional lisp,” Will you help me… skate?” Looking around the adults, I don’t see her parents.

We step into the arena, and Mattye’s feet shuffle in a rough skating form. Quickly, she falls toward the right, that leg suddenly ejecting. I steady her, so she is once again vertical.

The shifting feet begin again, and we move 18 inches forward. Then her left foot takes off in airborne flight.

I adjust my weight to counter hers, and she stays up. Softly she whispers as she glances my way, “Sor-ry.”

We begin again, and she falls. Still again, and she falls. Once again, and she falls. Her feet seem to be moving in fast-forward speed in totally different directions.

Slowly I explain what to do again. But she makes the same mistake. I am tired, a muscle in my back hurts, my arms tingle with the strain, and I want to go sit down.

But, when I look at Mattye

Her golden-brown curls circling cherub cheeks

Mouth pursed in concentration

Blue eyes pleading with no other grown up to help

Wanting to skate, but afraid with each fall I will let go

or worse- give up on her.

I cannot NOT help her!

That’s when I see the resemblance, Lord!

She looks like me– we share the desire to glide gracefully, but in reality we are unable to stand erect much less glide without a helping hand.

Mattye’s issue is only one of balance and experience skating. My problem is harder to correct. I ask for your help, and then rush into doing what I think.

Do my legs seem to be motorized when I fall into trusting myself instead of trusting you, God of the Universe?

Your strong hand holds me up to keep me from busting myself. I hear your instructions in my head and even study the book. But when I choose to rush ahead and fix things, I plummet with greater impact affecting those around me.

But you, Holy God, you never let me fall or fail completely. Being with my every step, you prop me up by your power and love to take another step.

Thank you Heavenly Father,

for loving the unsuccessful and slow to learn

for allowing me to choose my way but proving to me your way is better

for not giving up on me -even when I do.

When the next control issue pops up in my life, please help me stand looking confidently to you and waiting for you to show me what I should do.

“The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; though he may stumble he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand.” Psalm 37:23,24

“For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear, I will help you.” Isaiah 41:10

“I cling to you; your right hand upholds me.” Psalm 63:8

Love, More than Skin-Deep

The date on the calendar is illustrated with profuse flowers, chocolates, and expensive dinner dates. Yet, many couples celebrating their love cherish little beyond individual needs or ambitions. A small minority have commitment that will carry through dashed dreams or great financial need. But there are a few:

Once a year it happened. Charles sang,”Let me Call you Sweetheart, I’m in Love with You” to Jean. The day arrived without fanfare, but it did not exit without the statement being made.

Charles came home from work on time and sat in his chair. With no announcement he would begin the song. Jean would hear the beginning words, drop the ladle, set down the pan, and quickly walk to the den to see her husband’s face.

Slightly off key in his low cow-calling voice, Charles would sing their song again loudly to Jean. His eyes looking up to catch hers over the two younger boys playing with trucks on the floor, past the teenage boy asking when supper would be ready. Ignoring the two girls arguing in the kitchen over who set the table and who opened the can of peas. Finally, over the black dog nudging his hand, the cornflower blue eyes would find hers.

Charles would smile his wide grin holding her eyes with his as he finished the song. Her navy blue eyes glistening with tears, Jean would smile back at him. Then, slowly turning and wiping her hands on her apron, Jean would walk back into the kitchen.

Without extra words, that valentine ritual confirmed the deep bond of love between the man and woman. No extra money for a dinner at a restaurant. No fresh flowers and no chocolates were given. No reprieve from feeding and raising children. No special gift other than the thought of remembrance and a song sung with a smile.

Perhaps the best Valentine’s Day gift of all is to sing a love song when you are not a singer; to express deep love and commitment to another in midst of the circumstances.

My love would look at me awkwardly, so would our children if I broke into a song proclaiming my feelings for them. In fact, I can’t remember when I last sang my deepest affection out loud.

Remembering Charles and Jean, I wonder if I have placed emphasis on surface level actions. Am I looking for and giving the wrong gifts to the ones I love?

Holy One, you are the originator of this deep emotion, love. I have to admit, I still don’t understand why you would want to have a fickle human adopted into your family. Yet, I believe you do, or you would not have sent your only son to take my punishment. In accepting your most costly gift, I long to be more like my Giver. Help me, Lord to express delight and commitment to you and my other loves.

I admit when life is busy or depressing, I don’t listen for your encouragement that you still love me. That you have a plan for me. That you like me and think I am special. That you are walking beside me and will not leave me whatever happens. Instead, I hear my own fears and questions.

Dear God, are you singing your song of love and commitment to me, and I haven’t been listening? Please help me to interrupt my constant motion and listen for your tune.

In the squawk of a BlueJay

Chirp of the Robins

Squeak of the fan motor

Bubbling of the pond fountain

Rustle of the Mimosa tree seeds in the breeze

Laughter of the children next door

Are you singing your love to me though the world you created? Help me to listen and respond back to you with devotion. May I bring a sparkle to your eyes because I radiate and sing your love back to you and those around me?

“The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in His love He will no longer rebuke you, But will rejoice over you with singing.” Zeph 3:17

“By day the Lord directs his love, at night his song is with me…” Psalm 42:8

“You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.” Psalm 32:7

“…Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Eph. 5:19b,20

So here I go…it could be a hum or a whistle. May I start with you and then go to the other cherished gifts you have given me….

“Great is Thy faithfulness,” O God my Father, There is no shadow of turning with Thee; Thou changest not, thy compassions, they fail not; As Thou has been Thou forever wilt be. Great is Thy faithfulness!…” ***

***Song by T.O.Chisholm and William M. Runyan

Unwanted Gifts

The air palpitated with his embarrassment. Why was he here?

Walking down the mall, I glanced into the nail salon expecting to see the usual variety of women, all shapes and ages, reclined with their feet in the pedicure bath.

But there, lodged between the chattering women, the rugged cowhand looked for rescue to the windows.

The poor man…. Peeking through the glass with his face hidden under the brim of his dusty felt hat. His expression conveyed quiet concentration as if he was slowly backing away from a snake coiled to strike.

Silver-trimmed bifocals slid down his nose, and white whisker stubble stuck out from acne-scarred cheeks. Although the cowboy’s flannel shirt and insulated black vest touched the chair back, something about his posture looked like he was ready to sprint.

With the blue jean legs bunched and rolled unevenly to mid-calf, his glistening white ankles descended into the bubbling water of the pedicure basin. Scuffed cowboy boots, each with a dingy white sock emerging, stood loyally by his chair with a lip of mud on the sole.

Like a feral animal, he watched and waited for his chance of escape.

I wondered…. who gave this man the gift of a pedicure that he felt he had to endure? Was it a loving wife that knew the thick callouses on his feet were causing him pain?

Or had a grown daughter given this treat because she knew the accumulated years of working cattle had caused back injuries where he could no longer reach or trim toenails?

Did the man give himself this tortuous gift because of a doctor’s warning that if that smashed toe became infected again, it would be “surgery and six weeks on crutches?”

Unwanted gifts that heal, even when given in deep love, are often painful.

Heavenly Father, as I remember the way that man looked at me, I wonder is that the expression I reflect to you? You know, when you give me a gift of training me to be more like your Son?

Needed gifts, although unwanted by me:

Like the gift of disappointment over the job I thought I deserved which gave me the desire to ask for your direction for my future.

Like the gift of a fearful diagnosis which caused me to realize how rich I was in friendships, joy, and your everlasting love that I had not fully appreciated.

Like the gift of clear sight to see the abandonment of those I thought were committed to me to seek the company of One who would never forsake me for another.

Unwanted gifts, but necessary experiences

to discern truth

to show compassion for others

to live for greater purpose than entertainment

to see evidence of God’s presence in my life

Dear Holy God, when I need a present that I may not want, help me to look for and see you in the midst of the discomfort. Although many people think hate is the opposite of love, I realize that indifference is actually the opposite emotion. You demonstrate your deep affection for me by not being “too busy” to notice my harmful mindsets.

Thank you for loving me enough to keep healing and training me when I only want to be a spoiled child. In the Bible it records that humans were made in your image. As your child, I want to grow up and act more like you. Thanks, Lord, for not giving up on me or on my ability to learn.

In the name of my Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Amen.

“Then God said, ‘Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.'” Genesis 1:26

“Show me the right path, O Lord; point out the road for me to follow. Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me. All day long I put my hope in you. Psalm 25:4-5 New Living Translation

” I have seen their ways, but I will heal them…” Isaiah 57:18

Bible verses are taken from the New International Version unless otherwise noted

Sinking Boat

Oh, I thought I had all the answers. After all, I was an adult, educated, experienced in several jobs, and an independent person. How hard could it be to cross from one shore to the other? The feat looked so easy assuming that the environment would stay exactly the same.

Paddling was simple at first. But as the horizon became bleak with troubling clouds, I lost sight of all that was familiar. Thunder bellowed over me with threats of violence in every direction. My small rowboat fought against the boiling water trickling over the edge. Within a short time, my world totally changed. No longer was I confident in safely navigating my way through. Overwhelmed, depressed and lost, I could see no path through the rising waves of disease and anger. So, I dropped the oars and sat still.

Holy One, will you step on the boat with me? Like you did with the disciples on the Sea of Galilee?

I’ve wondered, Jesus, why were you going to pass them by? Like a good shepherd, were you circling your flock insuring their safety? Or like a parent hearing whimpering down the hall on a stormy night, were you checking on your dependent ones? Whatever your reason was, your action shows committed love and concern for your friends. I am counting on your help, too.

“Later that night, the boat was in the middle of the lake, and he (Jesus Christ) was alone on the land. He saw the disciples straining at the oars, because the wind was against them. Shortly before dawn he went out to them, walking on the lake. He was about to pass by them, but when they saw him walking on the lake, they thought he was a ghost. They (the disciples) cried out, because they all saw him and were terrified. Immediately he spoke to them and said, ‘Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.’ Then he climbed into the boat with them, and the wind died down. They were completely amazed.” Mark 6:47-50

“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given you.” James 1:5

“For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.” 2 Chronicles 16:9

Holy One, will you step in the floundering little boat with me? I am scared of the sights and sounds in this darker world and need you. Enrich my mind with your wisdom and enhance my strength with your grit. Help me to reflect your personality by the way I react to harsh circumstances . Would you give me eyes to see how physically close you are? Because I know that with you beside me, I will feel your peace surround me in this turmoil.By your grace I ask this in the name of God’s Perfect Son and according to your perfect will. Amen

Bible verses are taken from the New International Version unless otherwise noted

Father’s Gift

What do you give someone who has everything?

I mean everything: all the gadgets, jewelry, tools (he even invents), books (too many to count), and clothes don’t seem to matter to him.

When a holiday comes, and you long to please the father who spoils you constantly, then you realize whatever you can think of that he might enjoy, he already has.

When you want to give him some token that shows what his love and protection has meant, you are left feeling more like a brat, more ungrateful, and more selfish because you have nothing to offer the loving father who adores you.

So, what is the one item you can give your father that he does not already have?


You can offer the gift of your personal desires to be yielded to his hopes for you.

You can give your hands to do the work he needs done rather than the work you want to do.

You can offer your mouth to tell the important things he has completed instead of speaking about your own achievements.

You can schedule time to be with him learning what he values and talking about all the ways you appreciate him.

You can show him that you paid attention when he corrected you by changing your actions.

What can you give the Heavenly Father and God of the Universe that he would enjoy?

Only yourself.

All Powerful God, you have given me life, loved ones, work, possessions, and opportunities. All that I have and all that I am that is worthwhile has come from your resources.

As my gift to you, Holy Father, help me to evolve so that I reflect your generosity, love, and forgiveness. This “child” is tired of demonstrating irritability instead of reflecting your personality. In the name of your son, Jesus Christ and according to his will. amen

“Yours, LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor, for everything in heaven and earth is yours…” 1 Chronicles 29:11a

“As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him; for he knows how we are formed, he remembers that we are dust.” Psalm 103:13

“Every good and perfect gift is from above coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” James 1:17

Bible verses are taken from the New International Version unless otherwise noted

Perfect Friend

Sometimes I wonder, Lord Jesus, what it would have been like to walk beside you on a dusty path in Galilee. You, looking like an ordinary man but being so much more: the Invisible God enveloped with human skin.

Although I know facts of your life illustrated in black letters and white spaces, I don’t know the whole you. Names of places, people and quotes of your words scatter across my brain. Reading the Bible has changed my life; even so, your portrait is flat.

My mind sees you sketched out in two dimensions formed by typed words and art. But I long to see you wholly. What would it be like to hear your mouth say the words I read in the Bible? I wonder… On that hill, would your speech be choreographed to the movement of your walk or emphasized by arms and hands?

There is so much more to know about Mary and God’s son, Jesus. To see you in action would be such a pleasure. What would it be like to watch you thank the Father for our meal as we stopped to eat?

Because many different actors have portrayed the Redeemer in films, I am curious to find the truth of your physical characteristics.

When I hear your voice with my own ears, what will it sound like: clear tenor, deep base, or the vibrating baritone of the movies?

When you look at me, and I look back at you, will your eyes be dark chocolate hue or golden brown with flecks of gold and green?

Like a pregnant woman desires to see the face and know every detail of the child she carries, I want to completely know you, My Savior. To recognize your laugh in a crowded room or to glimpse that glistening sparkle in your eye when you think of something funny…

One day I will not wonder about how the Hero of my life looks and sounds. I will finally know when you call my name to join you.

Until that day, help me Holy Son of God to listen to your Spirit within me. Guide me to be true to your values, and to show your love and forgiveness to others. And when I meet wanderers who only know your name, give me words to tell the remarkable difference committing my life to follow you has made.

“No one ever spoke the way this man does,” the guards replied. John 7:46

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16

“Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them.” John 14:21

“And the scripture was fulfilled that says, ‘Abraham believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness’, and he was called God’s friend.” James 2:23

Gracious Father, thank you for sharing your Son and death-less life with such a fickle creature as me.

Bible verses are taken from the New International Version unless otherwise noted.